HKUBE Code API is a set of JAVA/PYTHON/JavaScript API that you can invoke in your algorithm code in order to start sub-pipeline or algorithm
Starts algorithm execution with input within the current pipeline and waits for results
- algorithmName (string): The name of the algorithm to start. - input (array): Optional input for the algorithm. - includeResult (bool): if True, returns the result of the algorithm execution. - default: True
- Returns the result of the algorithm.
Starts sub-pipeline execution with input and waits for results
- name (string): The name of the pipeline to start. - flowInput (dict): Optional flowInput for the pipeline. - includeResult (bool): if True, returns the result of the pipeline execution. - default: True
- Returns the result of the pipeline.
Starts sub-pipeline execution with input, nodes, options, and waits for results
- name (string): The name of the pipeline to start. - nodes (array): array of node definitions (like in the pipeline descriptor) - options (dict): pipeline options (like in the pipeline descriptor) - webhooks (dict): webhook options (like in the pipeline descriptor) - flowInput (dict): Optional flowInput for the pipeline. - includeResult (bool): if True, returns the result of the pipeline execution. - default: True
- Returns the result of the pipeline.
def start(args, hkubeapi): input = args['input'][0] if input and input["action"] == "start_alg": ret = hkubeapi.start_algorithm("black-alg", [7], includeResult=True) return ret if input and input["action"] == "start_stored_subpipeline": ret = hkubeapi.start_stored_subpipeline("simple", {"files": {"link": "links-1"}}, includeResult=True) return ret if input and input["action"] == "start_raw_subpipeline": subPipeOp = { "batchTolerance": "100", "concurrentPipelines": { "amount": "10", "rejectOnFailure": "true" }, "progressVerbosityLevel": "info", "ttl": "3600" } flowInput = { "files": { "link": "links-1" } } nodes = [{"nodeName": "one", "algorithmName": "green-alg", "input": []}, {"nodeName": "two", "algorithmName": "black-alg", "input": ["@one"]}] ret = hkubeapi.start_raw_subpipeline("raw-sub-pipeline", nodes, flowInput, options=subPipeOp, webhooks={}, includeResult=True) return ret return 42
Starts algorithm execution with input within the current pipeline and waits for results
- algorithmName (string): The name of the algorithm to start. - input (List): Optional input for the algorithm. - includeResult (bool): if True, returns the result of the algorithm execution.
- Returns the result of the algorithm (Map).
Starts sub-pipeline execution with input and waits for results
- name (string): The name of the pipeline to start. - flowInput (Map): Optional flowInput for the pipeline.
- Returns the result of the pipeline.
Starts sub-pipeline execution with input, nodes, options and waits for results
startRawSubPipeLine( name, nodes, flowInput, options, webhooks)
- name (string): The name of the pipeline to start. - nodes (INode[]): array of node definitions (like in the pipeline descriptor) - options (Map): pipeline options (like in the pipeline descriptor) - webhooks (Map): webhook options (like in the pipeline descriptor) - flowInput (Map): Optional flowInput for the pipeline.
- Returns the result of the pipeline (Map).
import hkube.algo.wrapper.IAlgorithm; import hkube.api.IHKubeAPI; import hkube.api.INode; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.*; public class javaCodeApi implements IAlgorithm { @Override public void Init(Map args) { } @Override public Object Start(Map args, IHKubeAPI hkubeAPI) throws Exception { Collection<Object> input = (Collection<Object>)args.get("input"); Map action = (Map) input.iterator().next(); String act = (String)action.get("action"); if(act.equals("startAlg")){ List<String> list=new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("4"); Object res = hkubeAPI.startAlgorithm("green-alg",list ,true); return res; } if(act.equals("startStored")){ Object res = hkubeAPI.startStoredPipeLine("simple",new HashMap()); return res; } if(act.equals("startRaw")){ INode jnkNode = createNode("one","green-alg" , "42"); INode[] nodes ={jnkNode}; Object res = hkubeAPI.startRawSubPipeLine("raw-pipe",nodes,new HashMap(),new HashMap(),new HashMap()); return res; } return 42; } private INode createNode(String nodeName,String algName,String nodeInput) { JSONObject obj=new JSONObject(); obj.put("input",nodeInput); JSONObject[] obj1 =new JSONObject[1]; obj1[0]=obj; INode node = new INode() { @Override public String getName() { return nodeName; } @Override public JSONObject[] getInput() { return obj1; } @Override public void setInput(JSONObject[] input) { } @Override public String getAlgorithmName() { return algName; } @Override public void setAlgorithmName(String algName) { } }; return node; } @Override public void Stop() { } @Override public void Cleanup() { } }
Starts algorithm execution with input within the current pipeline and returns Future<Map> Than will later of be filled with the result value.
- algorithmName (string): The name of the algorithm to start. - input (List): Optional input for the algorithm. - includeResult (bool): if True, returns the result of the algorithm execution.
- Returns a future object of start algorithm result (Future<Map>)
Starts sub-pipeline execution with input and and returns Future<Map> Than will later of be filled with the result value.
- name (string): The name of the pipeline to start. - flowInput (Map): Optional flowInput for the pipeline.
- Returns a future object of start pipeline result (Future<Map>)
Starts sub-pipeline execution with input, nodes, options and and returns Future<Map> Than will later of be filled with the result value.
startRawSubPipeLine( name, nodes, flowInput, options, webhooks)
- name (string): The name of the pipeline to start. - nodes (INode[]): array of node definitions (like in the pipeline descriptor) - options (Map): pipeline options (like in the pipeline descriptor) - webhooks (Map): webhook options (like in the pipeline descriptor) - flowInput (Map): Optional flowInput for the pipeline.
- Returns a future object of start pipeline result (Future<Map>)
import hkube.algo.wrapper.IAlgorithm; import hkube.api.IHKubeAPI; import hkube.api.INode; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.*; public class javaCodeApi implements IAlgorithm { @Override public void Init(Map args) { } private Map returnWhenExecDone(APIExecutionFuture future) { while (!future.isDone()) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } try { return future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public Object Start(Map args, IHKubeAPI hkubeAPI) throws Exception { Collection<Object> input = (Collection<Object>)args.get("input"); Map action = (Map) input.iterator().next(); String act = (String)action.get("action"); if(act.equals("startAlg")){ List<String> list=new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("4"); APIExecutionFuture futureResult = hkubeAPI.startAlgorithmAsynch("green-alg",list ,true); res = returnWhenExecDone (futureResult); return res; } if(act.equals("startStored")){ APIExecutionFuture futureResult = hkubeAPI.startStoredPipeLineAsynch("simple",new HashMap()); res = returnWhenExecDone (futureResult); return res; } if(act.equals("startRaw")){ INode jnkNode = createNode("one","green-alg" , "42"); INode[] nodes ={jnkNode}; APIExecutionFuture futureResult = hkubeAPI.startRawSubPipeLineAsynch("raw-pipe",nodes,new HashMap(),new HashMap(),new HashMap()); res = returnWhenExecDone (futureResult); return res; } return 42; } private INode createNode(String nodeName,String algName,String nodeInput) { JSONObject obj=new JSONObject(); obj.put("input",nodeInput); JSONObject[] obj1 =new JSONObject[1]; obj1[0]=obj; INode node = new INode() { @Override public String getName() { return nodeName; } @Override public JSONObject[] getInput() { return obj1; } @Override public void setInput(JSONObject[] input) { } @Override public String getAlgorithmName() { return algName; } @Override public void setAlgorithmName(String algName) { } }; return node; } @Override public void Stop() { } @Override public void Cleanup() { } }
Starts algorithm execution with input within the current pipeline and waits for results
- algorithmName (string): The name of the algorithm to start. - input (array): Optional input for the algorithm. - includeResult (bool): if True, returns the result of the algorithm execution. - default: True
- Returns the result of the algorithm.
Starts sub-pipeline execution with input and waits for results
- name (string): The name of the pipeline to start. - flowInput : Optional flowInput for the pipeline. - includeResult (bool): if True, returns the result of the pipeline execution. - default: True
- Returns the result of the pipeline.
Starts sub-pipeline execution with input, nodes, options, and waits for results
- name (string): The name of the pipeline to start. - nodes (array): array of node definitions (like in the pipeline descriptor) - options : pipeline options (like in the pipeline descriptor) - webhooks : webhook options (like in the pipeline descriptor) - flowInput : Optional flowInput for the pipeline. - includeResult (bool): if True, returns the result of the pipeline execution. - default: True
- Returns the result of the pipeline.
const start = async (args, api) => { let ret="did zero action" input=args['input'][0] if (input.hasOwnProperty("action")){ if (input.action == "startAlg"){ ret = await api.startAlgorithm("green-alg",[4]); } if (input.action == "startStored"){ ret = await api.startStoredSubpipeline("simple",{"files": {"link": "links-1"}}); } if (input.action == "startRaw"){ const subPipeOption={ "batchTolerance": "100", "concurrentPipelines": { "amount": "10", "rejectOnFailure": "true" }, "progressVerbosityLevel": "info", "ttl": "3600" } const flowInput = { "files": { "link": "links-1" } } const nodes = [{"nodeName": "one", "algorithmName": "green-alg", "input": []}, {"nodeName": "two", "algorithmName": "black-alg", "input": ["@one"]}] ret = await api.startRawSubpipeline("raw-pipe",nodes,flowInput,subPipeOption); } } return ret; } module.exports = { start }